General Notices

Sr. No. Title Download
1 Arbitral Award Format A and B upto 02-03-2017

General Administrative Department

Sr. No. Subject Dated Download
48 Nomination of Central Public Information Officer (CPIO) and Central Assistant Public Information Officer (CAPIO) Dtd: 07.02.2025
47 Permission for acquiring/disposing of immovable/movable property. - reg Dtd: 24.01.2025
46 Office Order - List of Holidays for the Calender year 2025 Dtd: 10.12.2024
45 Circular : Charge of the post of Deputy Conservator- Reg Dtd: 07.10.2024
44 Office Order No.35/2024 : Additional Estate Officer reg Dtd: 14.08.2024
43 Circular : Charge of the post of Secretary reg Dtd: 05.08.2024
42 Nomination of Assistant Central Public Information Officer (CPIO) and Central Assistant Public Information Officer (CAPIO). Dtd: 22.07.2024
41 Office Order No. 04/2024 : Statutory Powers of the post of Secretary reg Dtd: 12.07.2024
40 Office Order No. 03/2024 : Observance of punctuality in marking attendance through Biometric Attendance System (BAS) by Port employees reg. Dtd: 03.07.2024
39 Nomination of Assistant Central Public Information Officer (CPIO) and Central Assistant Public Information Officer (CAPIO) in Mechanical Engineering Department. Dtd: 02.07.2024
38 Appointment of Appellate Authority and Transparency Officer. Dtd: 02.07.2024
37 Nomination of Assistant Central Public Information Officer (CAPIO) in Mechanical Engineering Department. DTD: 20.05.2024
36 Nomination of CPIO in Mechanical Engineering Department. DTD: 03.05.2024
35 Appointment of Appellate Authority and Transparency Officer. DTD: 03.05.2024
34 Office Order No.02/2024 :Additional duties of Dy.Chairperson reg. DTD: 23.04.2024
33 Additional charge of Chief Vigilance Officer of MPA reg DTD: 12.04.2024
32 Issuance of No Objection Certificate/Identity Certificate/Prior intimation letter for acquiring of an Indian Passport DTD: 02.04.2024
31 Inorporating an important provision in the Tender Documents DTD: 29.09.2023
30 Nodal officer for updating/entering the data on the Probity Portal DTD: 12.01.2024
29 Half day closing (till 2.30 p.m.) of Mormugao Port Offices on 22nd January, 2024 - reg DTD: 19.01.2024
28 Nomination of Central Public Information Officer (CPIO) in Civil Engineering Dept. and Finance Dept. DTD: 04.01.2024
27 Nomination of Assistant Central Public Information Officer (CAPIO) in Mechanical Engineering Dept. and Finance Dept. DTD: 14.12.2023
26 Office Order No 16/2023 - Statutory powrs of CE reg. DTD: 14.12.2023
25 Office Order - List of Holidays for the Calender year 2024 DTD: 16.11.2023
24 Addendum No.4 to Office Order No.13/2023 : Acceptance of notices of the employees for voluntary retirement under Special Voluntary Retirement Scheme Dt:10.11.2023
23 Constitution of Committee for the examination of pension issues as decided by BWNC in its 4th meeting held at Visakhapatnam on 16.07.2023 Dt:07.10.2023
22 Canvassing of non-official or other outside influence in service matters Dt:15.09.2023
21 Addendum No.3 to Office Order No.13/2023 : Acceptance of notices of the employees for voluntary retirement under Special Voluntary Retirement Scheme Dt:15.09.2023
20 Grant of Vigilance clearance while considering applications to Dy.HOD level posts - reg. Dt:14.09.2023
19 Grant of Special Casual Leave for participating in the sporting events/tournaments of National/International importance reg Dt:07.09.2023
18 Office Order No.14/2023 : Procedure for Record Maintenance and Retention Schedule of Records Dt:07.09.2023
17 Circular : Employee's leave reg. Dt:31.08.2023
16 Addendum to Office Order No.13/2023 Dt:31.08.2023
15 Acceptance of notices of the employees for voluntary retirement under Special Voluntary Retirement Scheme Dt:25.08.2023
14 Change in the name of MPA Administrative Building Dt:18.08.2023
13 Internal Complaints Committee
12 HOD Vehicles regd. Dt:30.06.2023
11 Revision of rates for accommodation at TPC Guest House and Guest House, Headland, Sada, Goa Dt:30.06.2023
10 Enhancement of reimbursement of cost of spectacle frame Dt:28.06.2023
9 Office Order No.10/23 - Biometric Attendance System - regarding Dt:09.06.2023
8 Setting up State of Art Musuem in Port's vicinity DTD: 06.06.2023
7 Re-constitution of Women Cell of Mormugao Port Authority DTD: 02.06.2023
6 Change in the name of MPA Administrative Building - Inviting Suggestions. Dt:15.05.2023
5 Clarification on implementation of Children Education Allowance - Clause 17 of Wage Revision Settlement dated 30.08.2018 DTD: 17.03.2023
4 Office Order No.01/23 - Biometric Attendance System - reg Dt:13.01.2023
3 Office Order - List of Holidays for the Calender year 2023 DTD: 23.11.2022
2 Re-constitution of Internal Complaints Committee to redress Complaints on sexual harassment of women at workplace DTD: 13.12.2021
1 Re-constitution of Internal Complaints Committee to redress Complaints on sexual harassment of women at workplace DTD: 26.11.2021
Sr. No. Subject Download
1 letter - rules & guidelines
2 Rules- Students' Internships
3 Rules - Students' Visits
4 Consent Form

Finance Department

Sr.No Description Dated REF. No. Download
5 Increase in Scale of Rates(SoR) towards Vessel Related Charges and Cargo Related Charges w.e.f 1st May 2023 to 30th April 2024-Reg 28th April,2023 FA/COST/125/2023/00022
4 Revision of Estate Rentals of Mormugao Port Authority (MPA) - Port Land & two Structures w.e.f. 17.06.2022 9th June, 2022 FA/COST/125/2022/25
Corrigendum 21st June, 2022 FA/COST/125/2022/27
3 Revision of Estate Rentals for the Port's 35 permises w.e.f 13.05.2021 10th May, 2021 FA/COST/125/2021/19
2 Increase in Scale of Rates (SoR) towards Vessel Related Charges 14th May, 2020 FA/COST/125/2020/
1 Coastal Concession Policy 2nd June, 2016 FA/COST(41)/2016/63
Sr.No REF. No. Dated Subject Download
14 FA/CA/P-32/2025/00028 28-01-2025 Verification of High Risk Refund Cases – reg.
12 FA/CA/P.3/2024/00435 15-10-2024 Dearness Allowance payable to the Class I, II, III & IV employees from October 2024 to December 2024.
11 FD/EST.I(61)/2024/00354 21-08-2024 Tax deduction at Source for the Financial Year 2024 -25 ( Assessment Year 2025-26).
10 FA/CA/P.3/2024/00036 15-01-2024 Dearness Allowance payable to the Class I, II, III & IV employees from January 2024 to March 2024
9 FD/Est.-1(21)/2023/00480 16/10/2023 Festival Advance - Diwali 2023
8 FA/CA/P.3/2023/00479 16/10/2023 Dearness Allowance payable to the Class I, II, III & IV employees from October 2023 to December 2023
7 FA/EST-1(4)/2023/00384 14/08/2023 Festival Advance - Ganesh Chaturthi 2023
6 FA/CA/P.3/2023/00347 20/07/2023 Dearness Allowance payable to the Class I, II, III & IV employees from July 2023 to September 2023
5 FA/Estb.1(11)/2023/00300 19/06/2023 Encashment of Earned Leave
4 FA/CA/P.3/2023/2018 20/04/2023 Dearness Allowance payable to the Class I, II, III & IV employees from April 2023 to June 2023
3 FA/Est.1(21)/2022/370 24/11/2022 Encashment of Earned Leave(EL)
2 P3/2022/67 22/07/2022 Dearness Allowance payable to the Class I, II, III & IV employees from July 2022 to September 2022
1 P3/2022/32 21/04/2022 Dearness Allowance payable to the Class I, II, III & IV employees from April 2022 to June 2022
Sr.No REF. No. Dated Subject Download

Medical Department

Civil Engineering Department Subject Dated Contact Person Download
7 Leasing of plot admeasuring 650 sq.m. located inside MPA Custom Bound Area near MPA Gate No.1 (CE/45/2023) 07.12.2023 CE
6 Allowing spouses of the demised Port employees to stay in the Port Residential quarters occupied by them till date of Superannuation 15.07.2019 CE
5 Deepening of approach channel for capesize vessels CE
4 Environmental Monitoring Plan ,all three fortnightly , for the Project Deepening of an approach channel at MPT I ST Fortnigt 10.03.16 CE
II nd Fortnight Report 14.03.16
III RD Fortnight 07.04.16
3 Office Order No. 46 03.11.2011 CE
2 Monitoring and Testing of Marine water & Sediment samples for Capital Dredging inside the Mormugao Port, Goa 4th Fortnightly Report CE
1 Monitoring and Testing of Marine water & Sediment samples for Capital Dredging inside the Mormugao Port, Goa 5th Fortnightly Report CE

Mechanical Engineering Department

Sr.No REF. No. Dated Subject Download
3 MM/GEN/ProcManual 27.09.2023 Procurement Manual for Goods
2 MM/51/Disposal/2006 28/12/2020 Disposal of old used Scrap materials
1 CME/SO/DS(28)/INV-REP/1843 12/11/2020 Standard Operating Procedure for crane operations in Port area

Traffic Department

Sr.No Description Dated REF. No. Download
142 Extension of Concessional Tariff for handling cargo other than Iron Ore and Iron Pellets at WOB Anchorage - reg 21.01.2025 TM/02/24/2025/00120
141 Operations of Cranes and Machinery in the Port- Reg 04.11.2024 TM/30/2024/01792
140 Mandatory User Charges (MUC)levied by LDB at all Major Ports 07.10.2024 TM/02/05/2024/01668
139 Harit Shrey or हरित श्रेय 16.10.2023 TM/02/48/2023
138 Trade Notice No.07/2024 : Rationalization of Tariff for Cruise Vessels arriving in India 05.08.2024 TM/02/12/2024/01383
137 Non-availibility of 11 Ton Ace Crane 10.05.2024 TM/02/28/2024/00863
136 Concession of cargo delivery rate - Continuation of Trade Notice No.12/2023 10.05.2024 TM//02/24/2024/00864
135 cleaning of debris in the Receipt and Dispatch (R & D) yard of the MPA Railway sidings 27.03.2024 TM/635/2024/00634
134 Royalty for Stevedoring and Shore-handling of dry bulk and break bulk cargo 15.03.2024 TM/02/24/2024/005600
133 Extension of Concessional Tariff for handling cargo other than Iron Ore & Iron Ore Pellets at WOB Anchorage - reg 15.02.2024 TM/02/24/2024/00370
132 Royalty for stevedoring and Shore-handling of dry bulk and break bulk cargo 24.01.2024 TM/02/24/2024/00213
131 Handling of Iron Ore and Iron ore Pellets at WOB Anchorage - Concessional Tariff Reg. 07.09.2023 TM/02/10/2023/01409
130 Implementation of Mormugao Port Authority (Berthing Policy for Dry Bulk Cargo - Implementation of Penalty and incentives), 2023 18.08.2023 TM/02/24/2023/01284
129 Permission to accumulate Export Granite cargo at shut out Plot 18.08.2023 TM/02/24/2023/01290
128 Rebate for shifting of vessels from Berth no.05A & 06A to Berth No.7 and vice versa 18.08.2023 TM/02/24/2023/01289
127 concession of cargo delivery rate - Continuation of Trade Notice No.01/2023 18.08.2023 TM/02/24/2023/01288
126 Wharfage charges for Ethylene Dichloride (EDC ) cargo 18.08.2023 TM/02/24/2023/01287
125 25% rebate in Berth Hire Charges to Foreign Naval Vessels 18.08.2023 TM/02/24/2023/01286
124 Cargo related charges, Wharfage at berth and CHLD charges for handling of Hot Briquetted Iron in bulk at MPA 18.08.2023 TM/02/24/2023/01285
123 Revise rates for RFID Harbour Entry Permits 26.07.2023 TM/02/24/2023/01122
122 Rationalization of Tariff for Cruise Vessels arriving in India 17.03.2023 TM/02/12/2023/1138-A
121 Restricted movement - Reg 20.01.2023 TM/02/31/2023/1129
120 Concession on handling Transhipment Cargo - Reg 03.01.2023 TM/02/24/2023/1029
119 Concession/Waiver on handling Container Vessels - Reg 03.01.2023 TM/02/24/2023/1028
118 Concession on delivery rate for handling HMS/Shredded Scrap - Reg 03.01.2023 TM/02/24/2023/1027
117 Concession on delivery rate for handling Gypsum - Reg 03.01.2023 TM/02/24/2023/1026
116 Trade circular no.08/2022 (Accept Additional SD in place of Solvency certificate) 08/12/2022 TM/289/2022/929
115 Sunset of PCS1x and Go-live of National Logistics Portal - Marine (NLP-M) 01/12/2022 TM/02/44/2022/902
114 Discount on VRS Charges for a new container feeder operator 12/04/2022 TM/02/05/2022/47
113 Rationalization of Tariff for Cruise Vessels arriving in India 25/10/2022 TM/02/12/2022/748
112 Concessional on handling Bauxite Cargo through non RR rakes 11/10/2022 TM/02/24/2022/699
111 Concessional on handling Gypsum Cargo through non RR rakes 11/10/2022 TM/02/24/2022/698
110 Concessional Tariff, Common Circular 11/10/2022 TM/02/24/2022/697
Corrigendum 26/10/2022 TM/02/24/2022/754
109 Rationalization of Tariff for Cruise Vessels arriving in India 17/08/2022 TM/02/24/2022/478
108 Increase in Scale of Rates (SoR) towards Vessel Related Charges and Cargo Related Charges w.e.f 1st May 2022 to 30th April 2023 reg. 05/08/2022 TM/02/22/2022/443
107 Handling of Iron Ore and Iron Ore Pellets at WOB Anchorage - Concessional Tariff Reg 29/10/2021 TM/02/10/2021/1308
106 Extension of Discount on VRS charges for a new container feeder operator – reg. 27/10/2021 TM/02/28/2021/1589
105 Mandatory User Charge across all Major Ports and the BOT Terminals 08/10/2021 TM/DMICDC/2021/1208
104 Handling of Bauxite and other cargo at WOB Anchorage-Extension of Concessional Tariff 28/08/2021 TM/02/24/2021/955
103 Acceptance of PVC for availing annual RFID gate pass at MPT 30/08/2021 TM/02(27)/2021/970
102 Liberlization of eligible conditions for DPD clearance 10/08/2021 TM/02(36)/2021/847
Liberlization of eligible conditions for DPD clearance - HINDI 10/08/2021 TM/02(36)/2021/847
101 Proposal for revision of Mandatory User Charges (MUC) of NICDCL's Logistics Data Bank (LDB) project 09/08/2021 TM/02(27)/2021/837
Proposal for revision of Mandatory User Charges (MUC) of NICDCL's Logistics Data Bank (LDB) project - (HINDI) 09/08/2021 TM/02(27)/2021/837
100 Discount on VRS Charges for a new container feeder operator 05/08/2021 TM/02/28/2021/827
99 Hazardous and other waste (Management and Trans Boundary Movement) Rules, 2016 02/06/2021 TM/492/2021/354
Gazette Notification 04/04/2016
98 Submission of loading / discharge plan -reg 26/04/2021 TM/02/43/2021/176
97 Mandatory Advance Estimation and Payments of Port Charges through PCS-reg 16/04/2021 Addendum No.1 to Trade Notice No. 01/2021
96 Non-Availability of HMC due to Breakdown 08/03/2021 Trade Notice No. 02/2021
95 Rationalization of HMC Charges -reg 22/01/2021 Trade Notice No. 02/2021
94 Mandatory Advance Estimation and Payments of Port Charges through PCS-reg 18/01/2021 Trade Notice No. 01/2021
93 Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) to handle vessels at Mormugao Port arriving withing 14 days from the Foreign Countries 07/01/2021 Trade Notice No. 10/2021
92 Rationalization of Tariff for Cruise Vessel arriving in India 22/12/2020 Trade Notice No. 09/2020
91 Handling of Iron Ore at WOB Anchorage - Extension of Concessional Tariff 06/11/2020 Trade Notice No. 08/2020
90 Transportation of Coal/Coke and other cess payable commodity from MPT 04/11/2020 Trade Notice No. 07/2020
89 Concessions for handling Cape Size Vessels and Vessels arriving with draft beyond 14 mtrs. 18/06/2020 Trade Notice No. 06/2020
88 Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) to handle vessels at Mormugao Port arriving within 14 days from the foreign countries included in the list of MOH & FW travel advisory post Covid-19 19/05/2020 Trade Notice No. 05/2020
87 Waiver/Remittance on various port charges due to lockdown 22/03/2020 to 03/05/2020 to prevent outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic. 04/05/2020 Trade Notice No. 04/2020
86 Stoppage of Cruise vessels entering the Port with immediate effect till 31st March, 2020 07/03/2020 Trade Notice No. 03/2020
85 Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19) 06/03/2020 Trade Notice No. 02/2020
84 Concessions to Ro-Ro vessels for coastal transportation of automobiles 05/03/2020 Trade Notice No. 01/2020
83 The Concession in Storage Charges 18/12/2019 Trade Notice No. 23/2019
82 Usage of Port Community System (PCS 1x) by all Stakeholders 13/12/2019 Trade Notice No. 22/2019
81 Safety precautions at Berth No. 8 12/12/2019 Trade Notice No. 21/2019
80 Handling of Iron ore at WOB Anchorage - Extension of Concessional Tariff 10/12/2019 Trade Notice No. 20/2019
79 Registration of indents through e-demand and issue of Electronic Transmission of Railway Receipt(eT-RR) 02/12/2019 Trade Notice No. 19/2019
78 Discontinuation of levying of AMA and AMS charges by Shipping Lines on the Indian Importers 19/11/2019 Trade Notice No. 18_2019
77 Implementation of DMICDC's Logistic Data Bank Services to track and trace the containers at the Mormugao Port Containers Terminals 07/11/2019 Trade Notice No. 17/2019
76 Standard Operating Procedure(SOP) for Operating and Monitoring of Wind Speed Alarm System (WSAS) 06/11/2019 Trade Notice No. 16/2019
75 Eligibility criteria for availing of DPD Scheme by importers 27/09/2019 Trade Notice No. 15/2019
74 Attempted illegal export of Red Sanders wood at MPT 24/09/2019 Caution Advisory
73 Shifting of working Vessel on account of Study of Pollution by the Goa State Pollution Control Board (GSPCB), and stoppage of delivery of cargo from collapsed T1 shed. 23/09/2019 Trade Notice No. 11/2019
72 M.V. Karnika Berthing Programme 21/09/2019 Trade Notice No. 14/2019
71 Annual Saptah festival in Vasco City -2019 01/08/2019 Trade Notice No. 10/2019
70 Concession in Vessel Related Charges 03/07/2019 Trade Notice No. 09/2019
69 Mutual Termination of Contract of ALBA HMC 01/06/2019 Trade Notice No. 08/2019
68 Restrictions in Port Operations 29/05/2019 Trade Notice No. 07/2019
67 All India Engine Hour Cost (AIEHC) for recovery of Siding and Shunting Charges 14/05/2019 Trade Notice No. 06/2019
66 Rationalization of Tariff for Domestic Cruise Vessels in India 01/04/2019 Trade Notice No. 5/2019
65 Submission of declaration letters by shipping agents to Traffic Department in advance 28/02/2019 Trade Notice No. 4/2019
64 Port charges to be paid in advance 15/02/2019 Trade Notice No. 3/2019
63 Restriction imposed by the Local Authorities to release the loaded trucks from the Port 24/01/2019 Trade Notice No. 2/2019
62 Usage of Port Community System 1x by all stakeholders - Maritime Trade 15/12/2018 Trade Notice No. 20/2018
61 Repair of Exit road at Gate No. 9 29/11/2018 Trade Notice No. 10/2018
60 Concession for handling Coal/Coke/Limestone/Gypsum/Slag/Pig Iron/Bauxite at West of Breakwater (WOB) 23/10/2018 Trade Notice No. 19/2018
59 Resolution No. 58 20/10/2018 Trade Notice No. 15/2018
58 Concessional rate for handling iron ore at West of Breakwater 20/10/2018 Trade Notice No. 18/2018
57 Granting of 50% concession in shifting charges in case a vessel has to be shifted from Berth no. 6 to Berth no. 7 or vice versa 12/09/2018 Trade Notice No. 16/2018
56 Transportation of cargo by road - restriction regarding 05/09/2018 Trade Notice No. 17/2018
55 Maximum permissible height of stacks for storage in MPT storage yard for dry and break bulk 13/08/2018 Trade Notice No. 13/2018
54 Non-Compliance with the conditions of Environmental Clearance - reg. 06/08/2018 Trade Notice No. 12/2018
53 Amendments to CTO for Berth No. 9, 10/11 and CTO granted for Mooring Dolphins No. 1, 2 & 3 by GSPCB 31/07/2018 Trade Notice No. 11/2018
52 Automatic recognition to Authorized Economic Operators (AEOs) identified under the Customs Programme 12/07/2018 Trade Notice No. 10/2018
51 Import of river sand at Mormugao Port 30/06/2018 Trade Notice No. 09/2018
Gazette Notification
50 Process change in RFID based access control 28/06/2018 Trade Notice No. 08/2018
49 Grouping of Limestone and Gypsum in the Scale of Rates 21/06/2018 Trade Notice No. 07/2018
48 Rationalized tariff for cruise vessels at Mormugao Port 21/06/2018 Trade Notice No. 06/2018
47 Concessional wharfage for river sand 04/04/2018 Trade Notice No. 06/2018
46 Extension of concession for handling of iron ore at West of Breakwater (WoB) within Port limit 04/04/2018 Trade Notice No. 05/2018
45 Approval of the Board of the Trustees 22/02/2018 Trade Notice No. 04/2018
44 Standard Operating Procedure(SOP) for cruise vessels at Indian Ports 11/01/2018 Trade Notice No. 3/2018
Standard Operating Procedure(SOP) for cruise vessels at Indian Ports
43 Ease of doing business: Exempting the cruise tourist arriving with e-visa from the requirement of biometric enrollment 05/01/2018 Trade Notice No. 2/2018
42 Cleaning of debris in the Receipt and Dispatch Yard of the MPT Railway Siding 02/01/2018 Trade Notice No. 1/2018
41 Port Charges 18/12/2017 Trade Notice No. 35/2017
40 Remove the practical difficulties faced by the trade dealing with cargo from the distant hinterland 15/12/2017 Trade Notice No. 33/2017
39 Covering of cargo holds of vehicles carrying cargo 15/12/2017 Trade Notice No. 34/2017
38 Mormugao Port Trust (MOPT) upfront tariff for stevedoring and shore handling services 12/12/2017 TRADE NOTICE No.32/2017
37 Concession for handling Coal/Coke/Limestone/Slag/Pig Iron at West of Breakwater (WOB) 15/11/2017 TM/583/2017/1683
36 Up-dated list of ‘Competent Persons’ approved under Dock Safety Statutes- reg. 31st October 2017 TM/593/2017/
35 Concessional rate for handling iron ore at West of Breakwater 10th October 2017 TM/492/2017/459
34 Penalty charges for wrongful/false declaration of Notice of Readiness (NoR) 26th September 2017 TM/583/2017/1370
33 Free period for shut out granite cargo 7th September 2017 TM/581/2017/1244
32 Submission of Notice of Readiness to Signal Station and WS Control 5th September 2017 TM/152/2017/1221
31 Clearance of Cruise Vessels arriving from Non- Yellow Fever Epidemic Countries 1st September 2017 TM/492/2017/1196
PHO Clearance Procedure
List of Documents to be submitted for clearance (Annexure 2)
30 Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for safe handling of granite blocks in railway wagon(s) at the Port of Mormugao-reg 29th August 2017 TM/624/2017/
29 Mandatory use of VCN and IGM Link Facility at PCS 23rd August 2017 TM/152/2017/1158
28 Non-Availability of Berth No. 10 and 11 05th August 2017 TM/588/2017/1016
27 Corrigendum to Royalty for stevedoring and shore-handling of dry bulk and break bulk cargo 03rd July 2017 TM/583/2017/741
26 Royalty for stevedoring and shore-handling of dry bulk and break bulk cargo 30th June 2017 TM/583/2017
25 Corrigendum to Trade Notice no.14/2017 22nd June2017 TM/583/2017/677
24 Concessional rate for handling iron ore at West of Breakwater 12th May 2017 TM/492/2017/286
23 Royalty for stevedoring and shore-handling of dry bulk and break bulk cargo 10th May 2017 TM/583/2017/361
22 Concession in Scale of Rates 10th May 2017 TM/583/2017/360
21 Concessional tariff for the supplies of bunker from MPT 09th May 2017 TM/68/2017/359
20 Concessional rate of handling iron ore at West pf Breakwater 18th March 2017 TM/492/2017/1419
19 Concession for handling of Coal/Coke/Limestone/Gypsum/Slag/Pig Iron at West of Breakwater (WOB) 1st March 2017 TM/492/2017/1915
18 Concession for handling of Coal/Coke/Limestone/Slag/Pig Iron at West of Breakwater (WOB) 21st February 2017 TM/492/2017/1836
17 Dredging Levy 21st February 2017 TM/583/2017/1837
16 Installation and commencement of new weighbridge 22nd February 2017 TM/615/2017/1855
15 RFID Based Access Control: Go-Live 14th February 2017 TM/196/2017/
14 Standard Operating Procedure for Handling Rakes at MPT Railway Yard Mormugao Port Trust 19th January 2017 TM/635/2017/1574
13 Handling at WOB Anchorage – Granting Concession to attract traffic 3rd January 2017 TM/492/2017/1419
12 Radio Frequency Identification Devise (RFID) based Harbour Entry Permits 15th Dec. 2016 TM/196/2016/
11 Gate Access shall be parallel, i.e., through the web based RFID gate access module 02nd Dec. 2016 TM/196/2016/631
10 Handling of Iron Ore at WOB Anchorage – Granting Concession to attract traffic 07th Oct. 2016 TM/492 /2016/457
09 Revised Berthing Policy 08.09.2016 TM/589/2016/403
08 Relaxation in ineffective non-working hours
due to rain caused stoppages
08/08/2016 TM/TC/2016/710
Statement Showing Benefit of Relaxation in Non-Working Hours Due to Rain
07 Annual shut-down maintenance of MOHP, Berth No.9. 12/07/2016 TM/504/2016/315
06 SOP for implementation of SOLAS Convention to be made
Effective from 1st July, 2016 concerning Verified Gross
Mass (VGM) of containers.
20/06/2016 TM/589/2016/ 262
05 Rebate for handling of iron ore at berth no.9 at MOHP. 31.03.2016 TM/507/2016/
04 Abolition of “No Objection Certificate” for export consignments to USA, Canada, Japan, Australia and European Union 29th January 2016 TM/152/2016
03 Concession for handling of Coal/Coke/Limestone/Slag/Pig Iron at West of Breakwater (WOB) 05th January 2016 TM/578/2016/517
02 Concession for Lightering of Coal/ Coke Capesize Vessels at West of
Breakwater (WOB) before handling at MPT/PPP Operator Berths
05th January 2016 TM/578/2016/516
Handling of iron ore at WOB anchorage- Granting Concession to attract traffic
02nd November 2015 TM/492/2015/1175
Sr.No REF. No. Dated Subject Download
73 TM//02/27/2025/00162 28.01.2025 Commencement of Dedicated Port Connectivity Gate
72 TM//02/39/2024/01957 11.12.2024 Compulsory weightment of outbound cargo from port
71 TM/289/2024/01790 04.11.2024 Documents for issue of licences at Mormugao Port
70 TM/02/28/2024/01667 07.10.2024 Availability of Port HMC for cargo operations
69 TM/02/27/2024/01392 06.08.2024 Restriction of Heavy Vehicles from Gate No.9 in view of Annual Saptah Festival in Vasco City - 2024
68 TM/289/2024/01331 26.07.2024 Stoppage of all vehicles from gate no.9 - reg
67 TM/289/2024/01284 19.07.2024 Stoppage of all vehicles from gate no.9 - reg
66 TM/02/27/2024/01245 12.07.2024 Stoppage of all vehicles from gate no.9 - reg
65 TM/02/27/2024/01157 26.04.2024 Stoppage of all vehicles from gate no.9 - reg
64 TM/02/27/2024/00665 02.04.2024 Closure of traffic of IOC, HPCL & MPT in view of Shigmo Floats on 3/4/2024
63 TM/02/27/2024/00569 15.03.2024 Change in Rates of Terminal Charges w.e.f. 01.04.2024 onwards - Reg
62 TM/02/27/2024/00558 15.03.2024 Closure of NH-366 stretch over existing ROB near IOCL, Vasco - Reg
61 TM/02/27/2024/00295 05.02.2024 Trade Circular No.03/2024 : Stoppage of all heavy vehicles on 06.02.2024 - Reg
60 TM/196/2024/00186 17.01.2024 Trade Circular No.02/2024 : Entry of Laptops into Port - reg
59 TM/02/28/2023/01840 28.11.2023 Trade Circular No.15/2023 : Availability of Port HMC for cargo operations
58 TM/02/30/2023/01792 07.11.2023 Trade Circular No.14/2023 : Risk Based Random Inspection System (RBRIS)- Reg.
57 TM/02/12/2023/01735 07.11.2023 Visiters on cruise vessels reg
56 TM/02/48/2023/01716 03.11.2023 Trade Cicular No. 13/2023 : Spillage of cargo from trucks/tippers
55 TM/02/48/2023 16.10.2023 Harit Shrey or हरित श्रेय
54 TM/02/28/2023/01338 28.08.2023 Trade Cicular No. 11/2023 : Non-availability of HMC
53 TM/02/31/2023/01380 05.09.2023 Addendum no.2 to Trade Circular no.6/2022 - Restricuted Vehicular movement from Gate
52 TM/02/27/2023/01156 31.07.2023 Wider Publicity to Global Maritime India Summit 2023- regarding
51 TM/02/12/2023/01153 31.07.2023 Rationalization of Tariff for Cruise Vessels arriving in India
50 TM/02/27/2023/00967 03.07.2023 Cleaning of Crane ladders of vessels
49 TM/02/27/2023/00930 23.06.2023 Speed Limit Notification
48 TM/196/2023/00768 01.06.2023 PUC Certificate in RFID Portal
47 TM/02/28/2023/00911 21.06.2023 Non-Availability of HMC
46 TM/02/35/2023/00678 12.05.2023 Bunkering/fresh water supply using TTs
45 TM/02/27/2023/00342 29.03.2023 Fixing of V fenders to Berth No.10 return face and miscellaneous repairs
44 TM/196/2023/00076 13.02.2023 Movement of cargo vehicles from Gate No.1
43 TM/02/26/2023/00049 07.02.2023 Implementation of Mormugao Port Authority (Berthing Policy for Dry Bulk Cargo - Implementation of Penalty and Incentives), 2023
42 TM/02/31/2023/1025 03.01.2023 Dust suppression measures at port - reg
41 TM02/44/2022/584 19.09.2022 Release of BETA Version of National Logistics Portal-Marine
40 TM/289/2022/387 28.07.2022 Additional Bank Guarantee in place of Solvency Certificate
39 TM/02/28/2021/357 02.06.2021 Availability of Port HMC for the trade
38 TM/02/28/2021/1970 08.03.2021 Non-Availability of HMC due to Breakdown
37 TM/289/2021/1563 07.01.2021 Documents for issue of licenses at Mormugao Port
36 TM/289/2020/351 06.06.2020 Deployment of crane sets
35 TM/328/2020/3582 13.02.2020 Suspension of landing permit/Shore Pass to Chinese nationals crew members and foreigners residing in China
34 TM/02/28/2020/3566 12.02.2020 Non-Availability of HMC due to Breakdown
32 TM/02/05/2019/2311 21.09.2019 Mandatory User Charges (MUC) of Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor Development Corporation's (DMICDC) Logistics Date Bank (LDB) project
31 TM/02/30/2019/978 13.08.2019 Non-Compliance of safety norms while handling Granites
30 TM/02/28/2019/ 25.07.2019 Non-Availability of HMC due to Breakdown
29 TM/635/2019/60 04.04.2019 Change in Rates of Terminal Charges w.e.f. 01.04.2019 onwards
28 TM/02/38/2019/21 02.04.2019 Non-availability of Breakwater berth for berthing of Cruise/Passenger vessels from 1st May 2019 to 8th May 2019
27 TM/611/2019/2312 19.03.2019 Non-availability of berth 8, 9 and Cruise berth
26 TM/596/2019/2211 05.03.2019 Standard Operating Procedure of Handling Dry Bulk (Dusty Cargo) at Berth No. 10 & 11
25 TM/152(A)/2019/2185 01.03.2019 24 x 7 availability of service providers in the Port premises
24 TM/64/2019/1816 09 .01.2019 Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for Handling Coastal & Foreign Vessel
23 TM/593/2019/1783 05 .01.2019 120th meeting of the Dock Safety Committee, held on 14.12.2018
22 TM/598/2018/1675 18.12.2018 Repairs to road from Gate No. 2 to High Mast No.3
21 TM/152(A)/2018/1143 19.09.2018 Implementation of Penalty and Incentives Norms for Dry Bulk Cargo at Mormugao Port Trust (MoPT)
20 TM/589/2018/989 27.08.2018 24x7 basis facilities for examination of perishable goods in the Port
19 TM/588/2018/926 13.08.2018 Wrong details of crew on Pre-Arrival intimation of vessel
18 TM/289/2018/322 10.05.2018 "Maritime Trade Facilitation" - Mandatory use of e-invoice, e-payment and eDelivery Order by all stakeholders in Maritime Trade - amendment
17 TM/593/2018/295 07.05.2018 "Observations made after site inspection
16 TM/152-A/2018/219 24.04.2018 Official Notification of Re-rated capacity of Mormugao Port Trust as per Berthing Policy 2016
15 TM/1528/2018/082 05.04.2018 "Maritime Trade Facilitation" - Mandatory use of e-invoice, e-payment and e-delivery order by all stakeholders in maritime Trade - Instructions for compliance
14 TM/635/2018/2695 29.03.2018 Additional haulage charges for extra shunting
13 TM/444/2017/1776 29.11.2017 PCS 1.0 - SMS Notification
12 TM/592(A)/2017/1685 15.11.2017 Italguru HMC under maintenance/repairs
11 TM/588/2017/987 02.08.2017 Installation of cell fenders at Berth No. 10 & 11
10 TM/589/2017/510 26.05.2017 Revised berthing policy reg. container vessels
9 TM/152/2017/518 29.05.2017 Berthing Application Submission by Shipping at PCS – Reg .
8 TM/499/2011/ 229 7th June 2016 Handling of iron ore at MOHP
7 TM 16.07.2015 Rates for handling at the Port .
6 TM/580/2015 26.06.2015 Extending Priority Berthing for fertilizer vessels carrying finished fertilizers.
5 TM/583/2014 01.10.2014 Reducing berth hire charges of B. No. 9 and bringing it on par with B.10 and B.11
4 TM/583/2015 06.01.2015 Guidelines on Priority berthing of coastal vessel at MPT
3 TM/583/2015 06.01.2015 Granting concession of 25% on the composite handling charges applicable to Iron Ore handling at MOHP for partial handling
2 TM/592(A)/2014/ 29.09.2014 Advance payment facility
1 TM/596/2009/287 12.06.2009 Levy of demurrage charges – reg

Marine Department

Sr.No Description Dated REF. No. Download
6 Quantum of discount for vessel availing berthing facility at MPA 27.12.2024 DC/Estt-III(5)/2024/01726
5 service feedback form - Reg 21.07.2023 DC/S(21)/2023/09
4 Restriction on entry of LPG Gas Cylinders inside the Port - Reg 15.02.2023 DC/S(21)/2023/00013
3 Exemption of Port Charges for Ro Pax/Passenger Ferry Operations 01/08/2022
2 Mormugao Port provides shore power supply for Vessels 10/07/2020
1 Submission of Information/data to be shared with the Director General of Shipping, Govt. of India 03/08/2018 Trade Notice No. 03/2018
30 DC/S(21)/2024/00677 14th May, 2024 Harit Shrey - Regarding
29 DC/G-63(I)/2019/2303 27th February, 2019. Need for increased alertness in the Port
26 DC/S-40/2016/1753 14th November, 2016. Pilotage
23 DC/G-46(P)/Bunker Supply/Barge/638 12th June,2015 Licensing of bunkering in Mormugao Port by barges
22 DC/G-46(P)/Bunker Supply/Barge/536 3rd June, 2015. Licensing of bunkering in Mormugao Port by barges
21 DC/G.33/Waste Oil/2014/ January,2014 Reception of sludge / waste oil / bilge from ships at Mormugao Port
20 DC/G.33/Waste Oil/2013/ April,2013 Collection of sludge/waste oil/bilge from the vessels visiting Mormugao Port for the period of two months
19 DC/S-21/2011/148 21.03.2011 Waste Reception facilities available at Port of Mormugao
18 DC/G-26/2007/189
Drawing 1
Drawing 2
29.3.2007 Movement of barges and fishing boats in Harbour.

17 DC/G-63/2007/168 22.2.2007 Misuse of pass and dock entry permit
16 DC/G-63/2008/91 16.12.2008 Enhancement of security level at Mormugao Port
15 DC/G-50/2008/956 03.07.2008 Port Waste Management Plan
14 DC/G-33(B)/2008/36 30.06.2008 Port Waste Management Plan
13 DC/S-63/2006/138 30.11.2006 Raising of security level at Mormugao Port
12 DC/S-26/2006/130 16.11.2006 Licensing of barges for operating in Mormugao Port
11 DC/S-21/2006/16 20.04.2006 Pre-arrival Notification of Security (PANS)
10 DC/S-21/2006/428 13.03.2006 i) Access Control for ISPS code Implementation
9 DC/S-21/2006/426 03.03.2006 i) Implementation of DG Shipping Order No.2 of 2006 dated 24th January, 2006
ii) Membership of GBOA/GMOEA
8 DC/G-63/2006/3891 16.02.2006 ISPS Code – Access Control on ships
7 DC/S-21/2006/414 13.02.2006 Reception Facility for oily bilge water and waste oil
6 DC/S-21/2006/413 13.02.2006 Supply of bunkers by registered Bunker Suppliers
5 DC/S-21/2005/372 25.10.2005 i)Spillage of cargo into the water at berth Nos.10 & 11 due to improper supervision
ii) Use of Save-all nets
4 DC/G-63/2005/352 16.08.2005 Installation of Automatic Identification System (AIS) on deep sea fishing vessels of 200 GT and above
3 TM/196/2004/15 03.04.2004 Entry and movement of commercial/goods vehicles with the drivers and cleaners cum signallers in port.
2 TM/196/2004/868 27.02.2004 New access control system for persons and vehicles entry in the port and at various other installations.
1 TM/196/2004/867 26.02.2004 To regulate movement of barges in the port especially at dolphins and at anchorage.
Sr.No Notice No. / Dated Description REF. No. Download
141 HARBOUR NOTICE NO.10/2024 Submission of documents related to Ship Board Oil Pollution including SOPEP DC/S-(21)/2024/10
138 HARBOUR NOTICE NO.05/2023 / 19th May 2023 Maximum Permissible Drafts during Monsoon of 2023 DC/S-(21)/2023/05
137 HARBOUR NOTICE NO.04 (TEMP) /2022 / 20th May 2022 Maximum Permissible Drafts during Monsoon of 2022 DC/S-(21)/2022/04
136 HARBOUR NOTICE NO.03 (TEMP) /2022 / 2nd May 2022 Practice firing of 105 mm light field Gun and 40/60 AA Guns by Naval Coast Battery, Goa on 2nd May 2022 between 0900 to 1300 hrs. DC/S-(21)/2022/03
135 HARBOUR NOTICE NO.02 (TEMP) /2022 / 28th March 2022 Practice firing of 105 mm light field Gun and 40/60 AA Guns by Naval Coast Battery, Goa on 13th April 2022 between 0900 to 1300 hrs. DC/S-(21)/2022/02
134 HARBOUR NOTICE NO.01 (TEMP) /2022 / January 2022 Practice firing of 105 mm light field Gun and 40/60 AA Guns by Naval Coast Battery, Goa on 11th February 2022 between 0900 to 1300 hrs. DC/S-(21)/2022/01
133 HARBOUR NOTICE NO.11 (TEMP) /2021 / 1st October 2021 Practice firing of 105 mm light field Gun and 40/60 AA Guns by Naval Coast Battery, Goa on 8th October 2021 between 0900 to 1300 hrs. DC/S-(21)/2021/11
132 HARBOUR NOTICE NO.10(TEMP) /2021 End of monsoon season DC/S-(21)/2021/10
131 HARBOUR NOTICE NO.9 (TEMP) /2021 / 30th June 2021 Practice firing of 105 mm light field Gun and 40/60 AA Guns by Naval Coast Battery, Goa on 9th July 2021 between 0900 to 1300 hrs. DC/S-(21)/2021/09
130 HARBOUR NOTICE NO.6,7,8(TEMP) /2021 / 13th May 2021 Monsoon Shipping (21st May to 15th September 2021) DC/S-(21)/2021/06,07,08
129 HARBOUR NOTICE NO.5(TEMP) /2021 / 13th May 2021 Maximum Permissible drafts during Monsoon of 2021 DC/S-(21)/2021/05
128 HARBOUR NOTICE NO.4(TEMP) /2021 / 13th May 2021 Weather Advisory - Formation of Low Pressure DC/S-(21)/2021/04
127 HARBOUR NOTICE NO.3(TEMP) /2021 / 22nd March 2021 Practice firing of 105 mm light field Gun and 40/60 Guns by Naval Coast Battery, Goa on 9th April 2021 between 0900 to 1300 hrs DC/S-(21)/2021/03
126 HARBOUR NOTICE NO.2(TEMP) /2021 / 09th March 2021 Supplying of potable fresh water to ships in Mormugao Port for a period of three years DC/S-(21)/2021/02
125 HARBOUR NOTICE NO.1(TEMP) /2021 / 06th January 2021 Trial/Practice firing of 105 MM Light Field Gun and 40/60 AA guns by Naval Coast Battery on 15th January 2021 between 0900 to 1300 hours DC/S-(21)/2021/01
125 HARBOUR NOTICE NO.14(TEMP) /2020 / 18th November 2020 Practice firing of 105 MM Light Field Gun and 40/60 AA guns by Naval Coast Battery on 03rd December 2020 between 0900 to 1300 hours DC/S-21/2020/14
124 HARBOUR NOTICE NO.13(TEMP) /2020 / 15th October 2020 Pilot Boarding/Disembarkation Point DC/S-21/2020/13
123 HARBOUR NOTICE NO.12(TEMP) /2020 / 16th September 2020 End of Monsoon Season DC/S-21/2020/12
122 HARBOUR NOTICE NO.11(TEMP) /2020 / 24th August 2020 Practice firing of 105 MM Light Field Gun and 40/60 AA guns by Naval Coast Battery on 10th September 2020 between 0900 to 1300 hours DC/S-21/2020/11
121 HARBOUR NOTICE NO.10(TEMP) /2020 / 04th August 2020 Firing of 105 MM Light Field Gun and 40/60 MM guns by Naval Coast Battery on 07th August 2020 between 0900 to 1300 hours DC/S-21/2020/10
120 HARBOUR NOTICE NO.09(TEMP) /2020 / 01st June 2020 Approaching Cyclone on 2nd June 2020 DC/S-21/2020/09
119 HARBOUR NOTICE NO.08(TEMP) /2020 / 19th May 2020 Strong winds due to cyclonic storm "AMPHAN" DC/S-21/2020/08
118 HARBOUR NOTICE NO.05, 06 & 07(TEMP) /2020 / 16th May 2020 Monsoon Shipping from 21st May 2020 to 15th September 2020 DC/S-(21)/2020/05, 06 & 07
117 HARBOUR NOTICE NO.04(TEMP) /2020 / 15th May 2020 Permissable drafts during Monsoon 2020 in the Harbour DC/S-(21)/2020/04
116 HARBOUR NOTICE NO.03(TEMP) /2020 / 10th February 2020 Firing of 105 mm light field Gun and 40/60 AA Guns by Naval Coast Battery , Goa on 25th February 2020 between 0900 to 1300 hrs DC/S-(21)/2020/03
115 HARBOUR NOTICE NO.02(TEMP) /2020 / 28th January 2020 Advisory on 2019 novel corona virus DC/S-(21)/2020/02
114 HARBOUR NOTICE NO.01(TEMP) /2020 / 09th January 2020 Drafts post maintenance dredging DC/S-(21)/2020/01
113 HARBOUR NOTICE NO.15(TEMP) /2019 / 25th November 2019 Notice to Mariners regarding the Vessel M.T. NU SHI NALINI DC/S-(21)/2019/1640
112 HARBOUR NOTICE NO.14(TEMP) /2019 / 5th November 2019 Notice to Mariners regarding the Vessel M.T. NU SHI NALINI DC/S-(21)/2019/14
111 HARBOUR NOTICE NO.13 /2019 / 24.09.2019 Collection and proper disposal of garbage/sewage from ship alongside berths, mooring dolphins. East and West of breakwater anchorage. DC/S-(21)/2019/13
110 HARBOUR NOTICE NO.12 /2019 / 23.09.2019 Gun practive firing by Naval Coast Battery, Goa on 17th October 2019 between 0900 to 1300 hrs. DC/S-(21)/2019/12
110 HARBOUR NOTICE NO.11 /2019 / 16.09.2019 End of Monsoon Season DC/S-(21)/2019/11
109 HARBOUR NOTICE NO.10 /2019 / 20.08.2019 Petty theft issues in the vicinity of Major/Minor and Private Ports DC/S-(21)/2019/10
108 HARBOUR NOTICE NO.9 /2019 / 20.07.2019 Practice firing by Naval Coast Battery, Goa on 28th August, 2019 DC/S-21/2019/09
108 HARBOUR NOTICE NO.8 /2019 / 20.07.2019 Collection and proper disposal of garbage/sewage from ship alongside berths, mooring dolphins, East and West of breakwater anchorage DC/S-21/2019/08
107 HARBOUR NOTICE NO.7 /2019 / 21.06.2019 Utilization of Centralised Port Reception Facility Portal, Swachh Sagar DC/S(21)/2019/07
106 HARBOUR NOTICE NO.6 /2019 / 22.05.2019 Change in e-mail id due to closure of VSNL domain and services DC/S(21)/2019/06
105 HARBOUR NOTICE NO.3 /2019 / 18.05.2019 Monsoon Shipping (21st May to 15th Sept.) DC/S(21)/2019/03
104 HARBOUR NOTICE NO.2 /2019 / 13.05.2019 Permissible drafts during the monsoon of 2019 DC/S(21)/2019/02
103 HARBOUR NOTICE NO.1 /2019 / 07.05.2019 Wind speed criteria for Motor Tankers berthed at MPT Harbour DC/S(21)/2019/01
102 HARBOUR NOTICE NO.18(TEMP)/2018 / 20.09.2018 Practice firing by Naval Coast Battery, Goa DC/S(21)/2018/18
101 HARBOUR NOTICE NO.17(TEMP)/2018 / 12.09.2018 End of Monsoon Season DC/S(21)/2018/17
100 HARBOUR NOTICE NO.16/2018 / 03.09.2018 Migration of e-mail to NIC DC/S(21)/2018/16
99 HARBOUR NOTICE NO.15/2018 / 09.08.2018 Maintenance Dredging at Mormugao Port for the year 2018 DC/S(21)/2018/15
98 Hazardous Cargo and Non-Hazardous Cargo Garbage Contractors at MPT with valid licences upto
97 HARBOUR NOTICE NO.13/2018 / 20.06.2018 Rigging of Gangway Safety Net DC/S(21)/2018/13
96 HARBOUR NOTICE NO.12/2018 / 13.06.2018 Monsoon Advisory DC/S(21)/2018/12
95 DC/ESTT-IV(14)/2018/520 / 02.06.2018 Hazardous Cargo and Non-Hazardous Cargo Garbage Contractors at MPT DC/ESTT-IV(14)/2018/520
94 HARBOUR NOTICE NO.11/2018 / 23.05.2018 Buoy No. 6 DC/S(21)/2018/11
93 HARBOUR NOTICE NO.08/2018 / 21.05.2018 Monsoon Shipping from 21st May 2018 to 15th September 2018 DC/S(21)/2018/08
92 HARBOUR NOTICE NO.07/2018 / 23.04.2018 Maximum permissible drafts, in conjunction with high water, in the harbour, during the monsoon of 2018 DC/S(21)/2018/07
91 HARBOUR NOTICE NO.06/2018 / 20.02.2018 PANS - e-mail id DC/S(21)/2018/06
90 HARBOUR NOTICE NO.05/2018 / 08.02.2018 Implementation of UNSC Resolution on Democratic People Republic of Korea DC/S(21)/2018/05
89 HARBOUR NOTICE NO.04/2018 / 08.02.2018 CERTIFICATES TO UPLOAD ON PCS FOR RSV VESSEL ( Type 3 & 4) DC/S(21)/2018/04
88 HARBOUR NOTICE NO.03/2018 / 08.02.2018 Service Feedback Form DC/S(21)/2018/03
86 HARBOUR NOTICE NO.01(TEMP)2018 / 25.01.2018 Status of Navigational Channel Buoys and Lights DC/S(21)/2018/01
85 DC/EST/IV/10/2018/2368 Republic Day 26/01/2018 DC/EST/IV/10/2018/2368
84 HARBOUR NOTICE NO. 23 (TEMP) 2017 Work of ship wreck removal, lying under water within Mormugao Port Limits DC/S(21)/2017/23
83 HARBOUR NOTICE NO. 22 (TEMP) 2017 Collection & proper disposal of garbage/sewage from ship alongside berths, mooring dolphins, East and West of breakwater anchorage DC/S-21/2017/22
82 HARBOUR NOTICE NO. 19/ 2017 Filling of Form 10 (Movement Document) for Waste and Used Oil with Goa State Pollution Control Board (GSPCB) DC/S-(21)/2017/19
81 HARBOUR NOTICE NO. 18/ 2017 Submitting requisition letter by Agents to Harbour Master’s Office DC/S-(21)/2017/18
80 HARBOUR NOTICE NO. 17/ 2017 Copy of Port Acquitance Certificate to be submitted only in case, where Port clearance certificate is not applicable DC/S-(21)/2017/17
79 HARBOUR NOTICE NO. 16/ 2017 Notice to Mariners [Goa Inland Waters] River Mandovi DC/S(21)/2017/16
78 HARBOUR NOTICE NO. 15/ 2017 Geo-physical surveys at Navigational Channel of Mormugao Port DC/S(21)/2017/15
77 HARBOUR NOTICE NO. 12/ 2017 MONSOON SHIPPING (21st MAY TO 15th SEPT) DC/S-21/2017/12
76 TRADE NOTICE NO. 11/ 2017 Risk Based Random Inspection System ( RBRIS) DC/S-21/2017/11
Revised e-mail address in r/o Risk Based Random Inspection System (RBRIS)-reg
75 HARBOUR NOTICE NO. 10 (TEMP) 2017 Maximum permissible drafts, in conjunction with high water, in the harbour, during the monsoon of 2017 DC/S-(21)/2017/10
74 HARBOUR NOTICE NO. 09 (TEMP) 2017 Practice firing by Naval Coast Battery, Goa on 28th April, 2017 between 0900 to 1200 hours DC/S-(21)/2017/09
73 HARBOUR NOTICE NO. 08 (TEMP) 2017 Collection & proper disposal of garbage/sewage from ship alongside berths, mooring dolphins, East and West of breakwater anchorage DC/S(21)/2017/08
72 HARBOUR NOTICE NO. 07 (TEMP) 2017 Geo-technical soil investigation for Navigational channel & Vasco Bay at MPT, Goa DC/S(21)/2017/07
71 HARBOUR NOTICE NO. 06 (TEMP) 2017 Overloading of passenger vessels DC/S(21)/2017/06
70 HARBOUR NOTICE NO. 05 (TEMP) 2017 Collection, Reception and transport of hazardous wastes from ships/barges/crafts etc. at Mormugao Port DC/S-(21)/2017/05
69 HARBOUR NOTICE NO. 04 (TEMP) 2017 Notice to Mariners(Inland Waters of Goa) Mandovi River under reference C-23011/12/334 dated 01/03/2017 DC/S(21)/2017/04
68 HARBOUR NOTICE NO. 03 (TEMP) 2017 Notice to Mariners [Inland Waters of Goa] Zuari River under reference CP/HSO/262/515 dated 23/02/2017 DC/S(21)/2017/03
67 HARBOUR NOTICE NO. 02 (TEMP) 2017 Notice to Mariners(Inland Waters of Goa) Zuari River under reference CP/HSO/262/483 dated 21/02/2017 DC/S(21)/2017/02
66 HARBOUR NOTICE NO. 01 (TEMP) 2017 Notice to Mariners(Territorial Waters of Goa) DC/S(21)/2017/01
65 Republic Day - 26/01/2017 DC/EST/IV/10/2017/2233
64 HARBOUR NOTICE NO. 39 (TEMP) 2016 Revised maximum permissible drafts at the different berths: DC/S(21)/2016/39
63 HARBOUR NOTICE NO. 38 (TEMP) 2016 Enhanced Coastal Security Readiness for BRICS Summit at Goa from 12th to 17th October, 2016 DC/S-(21)/2016/38
62 HARBOUR NOTICE NO. 36 (TEMP) 2016 Removal of sludge, bilge water etc. from ships/barges/crafts Mormugao Port. DC/S-(21)/2016/36
61 HARBOUR NOTICE NO. 35 (TEMP) 2016 CSIR – National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Goa (Under Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India) will be carrying out Oceanographic measurements off Kala Academy during 4th October, 2016 to 3rd November, 2016. DC/S(21)/2016/35
60 HARBOUR NOTICE NO. 34 (TEMP) 2016 Aguada Sand Bar is declared open for all water-borne traffic with effect from 0000 hours of 16th September, 2016. DC/S(21)/2016/34
58 HARBOUR NOTICE NO. 32 (TEMP) 2016 Capital dredging of the approach channel, turning circle, Berths
5, 6, 7 and approaches for cape size vessels
57 HARBOUR NOTICE NO. 31 (TEMP) 2016 Practice firing by Naval Coast Battery, Goa on 26th August, 2016
between 0900 to 1200 hours
56 HARBOUR NOTICE NO. 30 (TEMP) 2016 Enforcement of the Merchant Shipping (Regulation of Entry of Ships
into Ports, Anchorages and offshore facilities) Rules, 2012
55 HARBOUR NOTICE NO. 29 (TEMP) 2016 Issue of SOPEP and SMPEP DC/S-(21)/2016/29
54 HARBOUR NOTICE NO. 26 (TEMP) 2016 Red Buoy with flashing red light has been laid in position DC/S(21)/2016/26
53 HARBOUR NOTICE NO. 25 (TEMP) 2016 Aguada Sand Bar shall remain closed for all Inland Traffic Vessels DC/S(21)/2016/25
52 HARBOUR NOTICE NO. 24 (TEMP) 2016 Shore power supply to Vessels at MPT Ref. No.: DC/S (21)/2016/24
51 HARBOUR NOTICE NO. 23 (TEMP) 2016 Removal of sludge, bilge water, waste oil, etc. from ships/barges/crafts etc. at Mormugao Prot
Ref.No. DC/S-(21)/2016/23
50 HARBOUR NOTICE NO. 22 (TEMP) 2016 Practice firing by Naval Coast Battery, Goa on 25th May, 2016
Between 0900 to 1200 hours
Ref. No.: DC/S(21)/2016/22
49 HARBOUR NOTICE NO. 21 (TEMP) 2016 All the vessels, 500 GRT or more shall have operational AIS Ref. No.: DC/S(21)/2016/21
48 HARBOUR NOTICE NO. 20 (TEMP) 2016 Shipping Agents are requested to kindly up-load only following certificates (with valid endorsement) for vessel profile Ref. No.: DC/S(21)/2016/20
47 HARBOUR NOTICE NO. 19 (TEMP) 2016 Shippers” are requested that the toilet facility for the stevedoring people Ref. No.: DC/S(21)/2016/19
46 HARBOUR NOTICE NO. 18 (TEMP) 2016 MONSOON SHIPPING (21st MAY TO 15th SEPT) Ref. No.: DC/S(21)/2016/18
45 Harbour Notice No. 17 Inform presence of satellite phone in the ships REf. No.DC/S-(21)/2016/17
44 HARBOUR NOTICE NO. 16 (TEMP) 2016 Capital Dredging REF.nO. DC/S-(21)/2016/16 Date: 18/04/2016
43 HARBOUR NOTICE NO. 15 (TEMP) 2016 30/03/2016
Scientific investigation program around the mouths of river Mandovi and Zuari, Goa
42 Harbour Notice No. 14 29th Mar 2016
Towing Hull of GSL 105m OPV Yard no. 1223, from Chowgule Shipyard Loutulim Goa to Goa Shipyard Limited Yard, Vasco-da-Gama, Goa
41 Harbour Notice No. 13 28th Mar 2016
Uniform ban on fishing by all fishing vessels in the Indian Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) beyond territorial waters.
40 Harbour Notice No. 12 21st Mar 2016
Hydrographic Survey work by Fugro Survey (India) Pvt. Ltd.,
39 Harbour Notice No. 11 17th Mar 2016
Drum bouy with red flashing light.
38 Harbour Notice No. 10 17th Mar 2016
Buoy No. 1.
37 Harbour Notice No. 9 16th Mar 2016
Removal of sludge, bilge water etc. from ships/barges/crafts etc. at Mormugao Prot
36 Harbour Notice No. 8 10th Mar 2016
Capital dredging of an Approach channel, turning circle, Berth No. 5, 6 & 7 at the Port of Mormugao, Goa.
35 Harbour Notice No. 7 24th Feb 2016
DGS Circular reg PSC and FSI Inspection Statistics for the month of December, 2015.
34 Harbour Notice No. 6 19th Feb 2016
Navigational Channel in “Zuari River”.
33 Harbour Notice No. 5 17th Feb 2016
32 Harbour Notice No. 4 8th Feb 2016
31 Harbour Notice No. 2 20th January, 2016
Inland waterways of Goa
30 Harbour Notice No. 1 12th January, 2016
Capital Dredging for the year 2016
29 Harbour Notice No.18 4th November, 2015.
Practice firing by Naval Coast Battery, Goa on 06th Nov., 2015
between 0900 to 1300 hours
28 Harbour Notice No.17 26th October, 2015
Removal of sludge from ships/barges etc.
27 Harbour Notice No.16 26th October, 2015
Maximum draft and length overall of ships that can be handled
26 Harbour Notice No.15 6th October,2015
Permissible Drafts
25 Harbour Notice No.14 28th September, 2015
Laying of drum buoy Red and White
24 Harbour Notice No.13 24th Sept., 2015
Aguada Bar is declared open
23 Harbour Notice No.11 26th August, 2015
Maintenance Dredging for the year 2015
22 Harbour Notice No. 10 25th August, 2015
21 Harbour Notice No. 09 28th July,2015
Practice firing by Naval Coast Battery, Goa
20 Harbour Notice No.08 23rd July, 2015
Clarification on reduction in draft
19 Harbour Notice No.07 9th July, 2015
Reduction in draft
18 Harbour Notice No. 06 23rd June,2015
Amee Shoal Buoy is Adrift and Missing
17 Harbour Notice No. 05 2nd June,2015
Foul season period in Goa
16 Harbour Notice No. 04 20th May,2015
incoming ships of your
agency entering or approaching Mormugao Port to avoid crossing the spoil ground
15 Harbour Notice No. 03 18th May,2015
Tsunami buoy network for measurement of met-ocean parameters
14 Harbour Notice No. 02 27th April,2015
Practice firing by Naval Coast Battery
13 Harbour Notice No. 01 21st April, 2015
Monsoon Shipping (21st May TO 15th Sept)
12 Harbour Notice No. 101 24th March,2015
Practice firing by Naval Coast Battery
11 Harbour Notice No. 100 12th March,2015
Swimming across the river Mandovi
10 Harbour Notice No. 99 3rd March,2015
Scientific investigation program around the mouths of river Mandovi and Zuari
Ref. No. DC/S-(21)/2015/70
9 Harbour Notices 44 – 98 4th Feb.,2013 to7th Feb.,2015
8 Harbour Notice No.03 Safe loading, stowage, carriage and discharging of iron ore fines on ships from Indian Ports in fair and foul season. Ref No.DC/S(21)/2011/06 dated 09th May, 2011
7 Harbour Notice No.21 Arrival information of ships via email from ship master Ref No.DC/S-21/2011/143 dated 18th March 2011.
6 Harbour Notice No.20 Supply of fresh water to ships calling at Mormugao Port Trust Ref No.DC/S-21/2011/145 dated 15th March, 2011
5 Harbour Notice No.7 Stowing of fishing nets at the Mole REf. No.DC/S-21/2007/110 dated 5th Sept. 2007
4 Harbour Notice No.17/ 2006 Insurance cover for vessels entering port REf. No.DC/S-21/2006/57 dated 3rd August 2006
3 Harbour Notice No.16/ 2006 Insurance cover for vessels entering port REf. No.DC/S-21/2006/55 dated 29th July 2006.
2 Harbour Notice No.10(TEMP) 2006 Deployment of a new NIOT Data Buoy SW3 and retrieval of the old buoys SW3 & EB2 REf. No.DC/S-21/2006/28 dated 28th May., 2006
1 Harbour Notice No.20 / 2005 Insurance cover for vessels entering port REf. No.DC/S-21/2005/395 dated 29th Dec., 2005