Tender Notices

Tenders for the various departments of Mormugao Port Trust are published under each section as follows:
General Administrative Department

General administrative Department

Sr. No. Date of Upload Tender Title Tender No. Type of Tender Estimated Cost (Rs.) Bid Submission Closing Date and Time Tender Opening Date and Time Download NIT
124.02.2025 Limited Tender Enquiry for Designing & Layout of Hindi E-Magazine "Vasco Rashmi" and Coding of it into Flappable E-Book (HTML 5) including integration with MPA Corporate website GAD/HS/TOLIC/8(7)/2025/00001 Limited Tender 13-03-2025 at 15.00 hrs 13-03-2025 at 15:30
Finance Department

Finance Department

Sr. No. Date of Upload Tender Title Tender No. Type of Tender Estimated Cost (Rs.) Bid Submission Closing Date and Time Tender Opening Date and Time Download NIT
Medical Department

Medical Department

List of Medicines Projected for Procurement by Medical Department for the year 2020-21, 22 & 23
1. List of Medicines
Sr.No. Date of Upload Tender Title Tender No. Type of Tender Estimated Cost (Rs.) Bid Submission Closing Date and Time Tender Opening Date and Time Download NIT
2511.03.2025 Tab Lenvenib 10mg MD/PS/2025/126 Limited Tender 13-03-2025 at 15.00 hrs 13-03-2025 at 15:30
2410.03.2025 JambubijChoorna MD/PS/2025/125 Limited Tender 13-03-2025 at 15.00 hrs 13-03-2025 at 15:30
2310.03.2025 Tab Dapagliflozin 10mg MD/PS/2025/123 Limited Tender 26-03-2025 at 15.00 hrs 26-03-2025 at 15:30
2207.03.2025 Aamalki Choorna MD/PS/2025/124 Limited Tender 10-03-2025 at 15.00 hrs 10-03-2025 at 15:30
2107.03.2025 Tab. Torasemide 5mg MD/PS/2025/121 Limited Tender 26-03-2025 at 15.00 hrs 26-03-2025 at 15:30
2007.03.2025 Khadirarishta 200ml MD/PS/2025/120 Limited Tender 19-03-2025 at 15.00 hrs 19-03-2025 at 15:30
1907.03.2025 Lakshadi Guggul 250mg (Pack of 40-80 tabs) MD/PS/2025/119 Limited Tender 24-03-2025 at 15.00 hrs 24-03-2025 at 15:30
1807.03.2025 Avipattikar Choorna (Pack of 40-100gms) MD/PS/2025/118 Limited Tender 17-03-2025 at 15.00 hrs 17-03-2025 at 15:30
1707.03.2025 Shatavari Choorna (50-100gms) MD/PS/2025/117 Limited Tender 02-04-2025 at 15.00 hrs 02-04-2025 at 15:30
1607.03.2025 Tab Silodosin 4mg +Dutasteride 0.5 mg. MD/PS/2025/101 Limited Tender 24-03-2025 at 15.00 hrs 24-03-2025 at 15:30
1506.03.2025 Iron with Folic Acid Tabs. MD/PS/2025/116 Limited Tender 13-03-2025 at 15.00 hrs 13-03-2025 at 15:30
1406.03.2025 Oral electrolyte solution powder 4-7 gms.. MD/PS/2025/115 Limited Tender 17-03-2025 at 15.00 hrs 17-03-2025 at 15:30
1305.03.2025 Azithromycin 500 mg Tab/Cap. MD/PS/2025/113 Limited Tender 10-03-2025 at 15.00 hrs 10-03-2025 at 15:30
1204.03.2025 CKMB KIT MD/PS/2025/109 Limited Tender 19-03-2025 at 15.00 hrs 19-03-2025 at 15:30
1104.03.2025 Nicorandil 5mg Tab. MD/PS/2025/108 Limited Tender 13-03-2025 at 15.00 hrs 13-03-2025 at 15:30
1028.02.2025 CTab. Ramipril 5mg MD/PS/2025/106 Limited Tender 10-03-2025 at 15.00 hrs 10-03-2025 at 15:30
928.02.2025 Cough Suppressant Syrup MD/PS/2025/105 Limited Tender 10-03-2025 at 15.00 hrs 10-03-2025 at 15:30
828.02.2025 Vitamin E 200mg Caps. MD/PS/2025/104 Limited Tender 10-03-2025 at 15.00 hrs 10-03-2025 at 15:30
728.02.2025 Glyceryl Trinitrate 2.5 mg. MD/PS/2025/103 Limited Tender 05-03-2025 at 15.00 hrs 05-03-2025 at 15:30
624.02.2025 Benzyl Peroxide 2.5% Gel 15-20 gms MD/PS/2025/100 Limited Tender 05-03-2025 at 15.00 hrs 05-03-2025 at 15:30
521.02.2025 Tab. Sevelamer 400 mg MD/PS/2025/99 Limited Tender Extended to 05-03-2025 at 15.00 hrs Extended to 05-03-2025 at 15:30
27.02.2025 Corrigendum
421.02.2025 ECG Paper Rolls for ECG Machine MD/PS/2025/98 Limited Tender Extended to 05-03-2025 at 15.00 hrs Extended to 05-03-2025 at 15:30
27.02.2025 Corrigendum
320.02.2025 Double Distilled Deionised water 5 Litre pack MD/PS/2025/89 Limited Tender 03-03-2025 at 15.00 hrs 03-03-2025 at 15:30
220.02.2025 Recombinant Human Erythropoetin 4000iu Prefilled Syringe. MD/PS/2025/86 Limited Tender 03-03-2025 at 15.00 hrs 03-03-2025 at 15:30
119.02.2025 Halobetasol propionate/Clobetasol +Fusidic cream MD/PS/2025/88 Limited Tender 05-03-2025 at 15.00 hrs 05-03-2025 at 15:30


Sr. No. Date of Upload Tender Title Tender No. Type of Tender Estimated Cost (Rs.) Bid Submission Closing Date and Time Tender Opening Date and Time Download NIT
15 10.03.2025 Repairs of damages to the Pump house (Electrical of firefighting system at Berth No 10 CE/ Q-02 / 2025 Quotation Rs. 17,472/- 19.03.2025 at 15:00 hrs. 19.03.2025 at 15:30 hrs
14 10.03.2025 Providing Galvalume Sheets Roofing to CISF Mess and repairs to CISF Barracks, etc., at Headland CE/06/2025 E-Tender Rs. 17,44,839.00 31.03.2025 at 15:00 hrs. 01.04.2025 at 15:30 hrs
13 10.03.2025 Precast cover slab for trench near Electrical workshop, and 33KV substation A, Finger jetty and for drains in GCB area CE/ Q-08 / 2025 Quotation Rs. 3,31,186.00 19.03.2025 at 15:00 hrs. 19.03.2025 at 15:30 hrs
12 10.03.2025 Providing chain link fencing near HOD Bungalow No: 8 and Type-D Qtr. No: 224 at Headland CE/ Q- 12 /2025 Quotation Rs. 2,40,931.80 01.04.2025 at 15:00 hrs. 01.04.2025 at 15:30 hrs
11 07.03.2025 “Restorative repair to the IPS room of Goomty building” CE/ Q-11 / 2025 Quotation Rs. Rs.35,767.00 21.03.2025 at 15:00 hrs. 21.03.2025 at 15:30 hrs
1007.03.2025 Maintenance External Repairs and Painting for type 'D' Qtrs. (16 Nos.) buildings at Headland CE/46/2024(R1) E-Tender Rs. 32,81,754.00 27.03.2025 at 15:00 hrs. 28.03.2025 at 15:30 hrs
9 04.03.2025 Replacing the old /damaged sewer pipes, with new sewer pipes, including providing new septic tank and Soak pit for VIP Suite Block No:GH-1 and other miscellaneous works at GH-1 Block of Port Guest House, Headland. CE/ Q- 10 / 2025 Quotation Rs. 4,79,230.95 25.03.2025 at 15:00 hrs. 25.03.2025 at 15:30 hrs
827.02.2025 Cleaning of side drains/cross drains in Port B.G Siding areas CE/Q-03/2025 Quotation Rs.1,55,469.00 13.03.2025 at 15:00 hrs. 13.03.2025 at 15:30 hrs
727.02.2025 Carrying out Survey of the Cruise Project area inorder to handover to the O&M Operator CE/Q-09/2025 Quotation Rs. 1,08,000.00 05.03.2025 at 15:00 hrs. 05.03.2025 at 15:30 hrs
624.02.2025 Repairs to Aluminium Doors at Port users Complex CE/ Q-05 / 2025 Quotation Rs. 17,400.00 06.03.2025 at 15:00 hrs. 06.03.2025 at 15:30 hrs
518.02.2025 Providing Consultancy Services for ‘Preparation of Techno-Economic Feasibility Study, DPR, Bidding Documents for EPC and Technical cum Financial Consultancy for Redevelopment of Berth No. 9 at Mormugao Port on EPC mode’ CE/04/2025 E-Tender 20.03.2025 at 15:00 hrs. 21.03.2025 at 15:30 hrs
418.02.2025 “Internal and External painting of Fire Fighting Building at Berth No.8 in MOHC area. CE/ Q-07/2025 Quotation Rs. 6,04,312.50 04.03.2025 at 15:00 hrs. 04.03.2025 at 15:30 hrs
312.02.2025 Providing Housekeeping services to MPA Administrative Office Building “SAARASI" at Headland for a period of two years, Year-2025-26 and 2026-27 CE/ 03 /2025 E-Tender Rs.48,53,560.00 05.03.2025 at 15:00 hrs. 06.03.2025 at 15:30 hrs
211.02.2025 Providing Galvalume Sheets Roofing for ‘C’ type 02 bldgs (258 and 218) and D-type 2 bldgs (156 and 226) at Headland CE/01/2025 E-Tender Rs. 34,74,696.00 03.03.2025 at 15:00 hrs. 04.03.2025 at 15:30 hrs
104.11.2024 Leasing of approximately 7670 sq. m. of water area alongside Berth No. 2 for berthing of small and medium leisure crafts for 05 years CE/55/2024 E-Tender Extended upto 10-03-2025 upto 15:00 hrs. Extended upto 11-03-2025 at 15:30 hrs..
25.11.2024 Corrigendum I
10.01.2025 Corrigendum II
05.02.2025 PRE-BID REPLY
17.02.2025 Corrigendum IV
28.02.2025 Reply to Queries


1. Projection for Stock Items
2. Projection for Non-Stock Items
Sr. No. Date of Upload Tender Title Tender No. Type of Tender Estimated Cost (Rs.) Bid Submission Closing Date and Time Tender Opening Date and Time Download NIT
1610.03.2025 1. Paint, white
2. Broom, Goa Type
3. Broom Soft
4. Rope nylon
5. Plywood Marine
MM/07/031 Budgetory Quotation 21.03.2025
1507.03.2025 Supply of Grease Wheel Bearing special in 1 kg pack MM/09/0072 Enquiry 12.03.2025 at 15:00 12.03.2025 at 15:30
1406.03.2025 Single Push Button Telephone with Called ID Facility MM/NS/CME/071 Enquiry 12.03.2025 at 15:00 12.03.2025 at 15:30
1305.03.2025 “Rate Contract (RC) for Hiring of Light & Sound system for a period of 3 years” CME/XEN(EHL)/W-7/BQ1 Budgetary Quotation 12.03.2025
1205.03.2025 Monitoring of Stack gas, Noise level and Ambient Noise level of 09 Nos. DG sets at Mormugao Port Authority on yearly basis for a period of 03 years GEM/2025/B/6020956 GEM Tender Rs. 92394/- 20-03-2025 10:00:00 20-03-2025 10:30:00
1104.03.2025 Procurement Installation & commissioning of Tower A.C. along with spares GEM/2025/B/5998085 GEM Tender 25-03-2025 13:00:00 25-03-2025 13:30:00
1004.03.2025 Procurement of Spares for Air Conditioners as per GEM Bid. GEM/2025/B/5941945 GEM Tender Rs.11,12,091.00 25-03-2025 15:00:00 25-03-2025 15:30:00
903.03.2025 Supply of Electrical 11 Nos items MM/NS/0070. Enquiry 11.03.2025 at 15:00 11.03.2025 at 15:30
803.03.2025 Shifting of 150KW solar plant from Hospital roof to the ground, within Hospital premises, including Installation, Testing and Commissioning along with CMC of 200KW solar plant for the period of five years CME/XEN(E-P)/e-tender/2025/02 E-Tender Rs.55,53,948.00 excluding GST. 24/03/2025 at 11:30 hrs 25/03/2025 at 11:30 hrs
728.02.2025 “SITC of Face Recognition based Biometric Attendance System at various locations in Port Areas with two years guarantee period followed by five years of Comprehensive Maintenance Contract” CME/XEN (E-HR)/H-5/2024/B2 BUDGETORY OFFERS 07.03.2025 at 15:00 Hrs.
627.02.2025 Supply of Electrical 27 Nos items MM/08/0069 Enquiry Closed Closed
526.02.2025 Supply of Electrical 06 items MM/08/029 Budgetory Quotation 07/03/2025.
425.02.2025 Replacement of existing CCTV system at Port's Operational areas with new advanced CCTV surveillance suystem GEM/2025/B/5980280 GeM Tender Rs.2,19,45,505.00 27-03-2025 12:00:00 27-03-2025 12:30:00
25.02.2025 Video Conferencing Link - Meeting ID: 896 2373 1568 Passcode: 628991. 03-03-2025 at 09:30
321.02.2025 Hiring of 01 no car for Deputy Chairperson for a period of 5 years at Mormugao Port Authority GEM/2025/B/5979954 GeM Tender Rs. 4749696/- 17-03-2025 at 10:00 17-03-2025 at 10:30
221.02.2025 Testing and Calibration of HT panel mounted protection relays Budgetory Quotation 03/03/2025.
120.02.2025 Filtration, hot oil circulation,Furan and Dissolved Gas analysis of transformers installed at Port CME/XEN (E-HR)/ 25/B6 Budgetory Offer 12/03/2025.
Traffic Management Department

Traffic Management Department

Sr. No. Date of Upload Tender Title Tender No. Type of Tender Estimated Cost (Rs.) Bid Submission Closing Date and Time Tender Opening Date and Time Download NIT
Marine Department

Marine Department

Sr. No. Date of Upload Tender Title Tender No. Type of Tender Estimated Cost (Rs.) Bid Submission Closing Date and Time Tender Opening Date and Time Download NIT
221.02.2025 Supply of 07nos. Solar powered navigational channel lights DC/SO(M)/24/2025/02 Budgetary Quotation 03.03.2025 at 15.00 Hrs
121.02.2025 Deployment of Navigational Buoys DC/SO(M)/24/02/2025 Quotation 03.03.2025 till 11:00 Hrs. 03.03.2025 at 11:30 Hrs
Tenders & Notices from Ministry/IPA and Other Organisations

Tenders & Notices from Ministry/IPA and Other Organisations

Sr. No. Date of Upload Tender Title Tender No. Type of Tender Bid Submission Closing Date and Time Tender Opening Date and Time Download NIT